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With the horrific murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis among countless other members of the Black community across our nation, we at Palette Hope, are moved to stand in solidarity with the lives lost to unjust police violence and systematic racism. We stand with the lives of George Floyd, Ahmoud Arbery, Walter Scott, Freddy Gray, Breonna Taylor, Tamir Rice, Sean Reed, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, Oscar Grant, Sandra Bland, and the countless others and their families who have lost so much year after year at the hands of those sworn to protect us. 


There is no reason to allow this destructive behavior of racial intolerance to continue any longer. Change must occur. We all can do our part to fight against racial injustice and spark change in America. There are numerous ways in which you can educate yourself and others on racial equity and Black activism. These actions include: signing free petitions, contacting your state representatives to call for legislative change, joining marches to protest against police violence, and donating to funds dedicated to relieving those affected by racial injustice and supporting the Black Lives Matter movement. You can find links to resources for these actions and learn more under resources


    Additionally, we would like to offer resources that provide mental health support specifically to our Black communities at this time. As mentioned by the National Alliance on Mental Illness, or NAMI, African Americans are more likely to experience socioeconomic disparities, such as decreased access to healthcare resources, which may lead to increased mental health issues. Taking this into consideration along with recent distressing events, we have also included mental health support resources that may be relevant during these times. You can find links to these resources under mental health support


Palette Hope strives to commit to providing a safe, welcoming environment for all people regardless of race, religion, ethnic origin, disability, gender identity or sexual orientation. As stated in our mission statement "We are dedicated to spaces throughout campuses...(to) promote personal growth." We hold it amongst us to treat each individual with dignity and respect and we ask that you do the same. 

    Please join us in supporting the Black Lives Matter movement in solidarity with our Black communities. In order to build an inclusive future where each and every human life is treated with compassion, respect, and dignity, all of us must make our voices heard together. 




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